Tag Archives: vegetable


You may have read about how to re-use various veggies.  After buying a few onions from the farmers market, one had already sprouted, so I thought I’d give it a try.

I typically don’t follow instructions well (surprise!), so after trimming some to sauté, I just sort of stuck it in the ground where it seemed happy, and gave it a good watering. It seems it may need separating after it grows a bit, because there might be more than one that will sprout from this.

We’ll see! Fingers are crossed!

Sprouted onion

What it looked like when I bought it

What it looked like after I “trimmed” it for planting.


Decided to DIY another veggie – here’s a zucchini plant and the new spade/pitchfork I bought to help clear out the weeds so it could be planted. I know, it’s not as early in the season as it could be, but – I tend towards optimism!

This zucchini is now safely nestled in the ground.

This zucchini is now safely nestled in the ground.

And long-legged bright beauties like these day lilies keep me optimistic!



A few stragglers

I’ve not kept up with adding color and scanning – here’s a few miscellaneous ones:


These lovely coneflowers were captured in a photo by Eric Lopez. Thanks for the inspiration Eric!

2015 10 Strike a pose donkey wm

Saw this donkey at our annual Spiedie and Hot Air Balloon fest at Otsiningo Park. Too cute!



I grew these onions myself – and did not realize they just plop up out of the ground when they are ready!?!? Thank you, onions!