Calendar collection

Looking back…

Organizing a bit on this perfect summer day, I came across my calendar collection.  I’ve been making these as gifts since 2012! Eight years of paper calendars led to adding planners, a perpetual calendar and even my first book.  Looking at these evokes emotions, when I see my older works, it can bring me right back to the moments it was being created.

For 2020, I wonder if you can tell me something – how many of you still use paper calendars? Even mine has been more of a wall decoration, than for practical time planning. Maybe I should just make planners for those of us still inclined to use pen and paper? Or smaller calendars that are more image without space to write.

I’d love to hear your opinions! Calendar collection

2 thoughts on “Looking back…

  1. Michele

    Hi Bernadette: I live in Venice, Florida, which is primarily a retirement community and how I got to know your grandparents. My shop caters to artists and calendars are one of my biggest jobs beginning in September/October. A lot of the artists sell them at arts & craft fairs before the holidays and many sell them in local shops. Although apps and computer programs can keep you organized, there are plenty of people that still want to see all of their appointments on a wall calendar. So I will still be producing wall calendars and desk calendars, some with places to write and some without as that’s what my market wants!

    1. artbybam Post author

      Hi Michele,
      Thanks so much for your input! I do notice it’s typically the ‘older’ crowd that likes print!;)
      I’ll definitely rethink what I’ll get in print, and may look into downloadable options for some things.
      Your shop and products are so gorgeous!
      I didn’t know you knew my grandparents? Do you mean Marilyn and John?


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