Tag Archives: turkey vulture

Turkey vultures in cemetery

The bird we love to hate – turkey vultures

On a recent ride in New Jersey, there is often a “committee” of turkey vultures in the same location. As they like to eat carrion (dead animals), it’s appropriate that the location is a cemetery!
I looked around for some interesting information about them and found these facts:
  – A group of Turkey Vultures feeding is called a “Wake”.
  – A group of Turkey Vultures flying is called “Kettles”.
  – A group of Turkeys Vultures resting is called a “Committee.”
  – Turkey Vultures have unusual ways to cool themselves off – they will poop on their feet to cool themselves off. The droppings provide a chemical coating that acts as a cooler. Found this info here:  https://learnbirdwatching.com/facts-about-turkey-vultures/

Of course, I “had” to sketch these flying birds (they’re related to storks, not birds of prey) to share them in this unique location! They were all on the ground until we got closer, then they started getting on top of the tombstones. Thanked them for the great poses! 😉Turkey vultures in cemetery